hello all,
Like many of you I listened to the President's "State of the Union" speech the other night. While I know that Bush may speak for some of you, I think on that night John McCain spoke for all of us when he appeared to nod off during the speech..
Doesn't he look peaceful? I wonder what he's dreaming about. Maybe he is thinking back to when he was a viable presidential candidate, back in 2000, when he trounced George in the New Hampshire primaries and was heading next to South Carolina. It was there however that the Bush party had started a smear campaign where amongst other things alleged that McCain's adopted daughter was actually his illegitimate black child. This proved to be the undoing of the "Straight Talk Express" in S.C and McCain's campaign was never the same. How did McCain respond? Why he backed George Bush of course. Then, in '04 McCain once again stood on his principles and denounced fellow Vietnam veteran John Kerry. It was then that we woke from our dream, the one in which John McCain became something other than just another Washington politician.
And so there he sits, perhaps dreaming of the upcoming 2008 election where he is rumored to be making another presidential run. Well Senator, I think I can speak for all of us when I say..
keep dreamin'.