Hello all,
From time to time I like to take a stroll through the pop culture landscape, this is one of those times, (see previous post on procrastination). Now I have never seen this show, I don't care to see this show, but I understand it is quite popular with a great many of you. There might be a day that I break out a big pair of sweatpants, an over sized sweatshirt with the latest Disney character/NASCAR logo on it, a large tub of haagen-dazs and my binky, curl up in front of the telly..cell phone in hand, and watch American Idol. Until that day/last day of my life, I will just enjoy the chaos that seems to surround that show. Case in point the adorable Paula Abdul. For those of you who don't know, here are some facts about Paula. 1) Paula used to be a Los Angeles Lakers dancer. 2) Paula choreographed many music videos in the 80's including those of Janet Jackson. 3) Paula had a brief career as a pop singer in the late 80's 4) Paula is a co-host on "American Idol" 5) Paula likes to get loaded before doing interviews promoting said "American Idol".
Delicious. She gets my vote.
A few weeks ago Justin Timberlake was the guest host on Saturday Night live and participated in one of the funniest things SNL has done in quite some time..the Digital Short entitled "A Special Christmas Box (Dick in a Box)".
Very funny and well executed (lyrics, performance, music, production values etc). Well, we all knew it was a matter of time before someone/everyone did their own version of DIAB. Brace yourselves:
One of the questions I had before viewing this was "why?". The question following the viewing.. "how?"...it doesn't seem physically possible. Now keep in mind that this sweet little love song ("You might like Starbucks muffins, but my muffin tastes good too" and "It's a beaaaaverrrrrr!") was actually the work of a group of people who thought they could fool the public into watching something so cheap and crass. The result? The most watched video on the web.
Well eat it up America. But while you are all choking down whatever is forced into your feeding tube, I'll be out here..refusing to give in. And then, just when I think all is lost, something arises that reaffirms my faith in humanity.