As I listen to the Republican National Convention this week, I am left with a few questions.
- If you are the true party of reform and change, my only question is reform what? Change what? Don't you have to admit that something is wrong first? And if nothing is wrong, then why do we need a pair of reformers to try and change something that isn't broken in the first place?
- If this convention is about McCain's military record and the fact that he served his country, then shouldn't that have mattered in '04 when John Kerry was the candidate with the military record? Shouldn't you have been offended when the Bush campaign "Swift Boated" him?
- If McCain is a true "maverick", then why didn't he push for his VP choice, Joe Liberman? Or his other choices, Tom Ridge, Mitt Romney etc.. Instead, he bowed to pressure from the religious right and picked a more hard right candidate.
- Is McCain a POW? I had no idea. They should really talk about that.
- Where is anyone from the current administration? Anyone? How the mighty have fallen.
- If Palin has made more "Executive" decisions than both Obama and Biden, then how many said decisions has McCain made? By that same logic, Palin is the better choice for president.
- Are we still using the same old "Washington Fat Cats/Angry left/liberal left/liberal elite/hollywood elite" line of rhetoric? I know the right needs a Bogey man, but can you not find a new one?
- make no mistake, I like John McCain. I may have voted for him in 2000, when the republican party tried everything they could do to bury him. Then, somewhere along the way, McCain seemed to change. Less "Straight Talk" and more party line.
- I have printed up a few thousand "Drill Baby Drill" T-shirts. Let me know what size. Please hurry.