Hello all,
So you have a blog and you need to make an entry..after all people are depending on you. You sit down and stare blankly at the screen and you ask yourself, "I wonder if that new online game where the purpose is to shoot zombies really lives up to the hype?..maybe one game". One game leads to two and so on until the sun has set and you wonder how did it all go so wrong? Now granted, if the city were to be attacked by roving hoards of zombies I feel comfortable in in the fact that I could handle myself, but how does my digital knowledge of firearms and explosives help the readers? How do I stay focused on the task at hand and give them (you) the daily chuckle that is Shane? Well today I figured it out..I tried to get organized.
It started out innocently enough, the rainy weather made it a perfect time to get some year-end paper work done. Here we go..alright..yes sir and...where is my credit card bill for the month of June? I know I filed it somewhere..check filing cabinet..remove family of possums..remember that I bought the filing cabinet the last time I went on a "that's it, I'm getting organized" faze. I never actually used it. Well today is going to be different, it's raining, perfect day to do it, start the year off fresh and in control of your life. Time to grow up and get serious Shane.
And just like that..another blog entry.