Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hello all,

Well, apparently the political race is heating up. Here are the items as I see them:

1) Mitt (giggle) Romney and John McCain are currently claiming the other is a liberal. I believe the week before, they were both trying to out patriot the other.

2) George Bush gave the state of the union speech last night. By all accounts that I've read, very uninspired and flat. Here is an excerpt from the transcript:





3) Obama has received the support and endorsements of not one but two Kennedys. Apparently this is sending the Clinton campaign into over drive and Bill seems to be taking the gloves off. I find it amusing that one of Bill's tactics is to try to drive home the lack of experience Obama has and that what we need now is less inspiration and more perspiration. I seem to recall Mr. Bill using the "inspirational fresh faced bringer of hope" angle when he went against Bush Sr. Now, Clinton is playing the role of the entrenched career politician afraid of change. I actually like Bill Clinton, but he is wrong here. Now is not the time for democratic payback..you had that chance in '04 and you guys were quivering in fear. The country now needs to move forward and right now it seems that Obama is delivering that message.

next..back to the silly


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mein taxes...

Hello all,

A light one this morning. I'm in the process of working on my taxes so I'm vacillating between crying over what I made last year/questioning my life choices and procrastinating on the internet.

This is about a week old, but still hilarious and brilliant.

back to the books.


Friday, January 25, 2008

Sports Talk

Hello all,

Let it never be said that I don't touch the sports page:

I love these guys..so laid back..so just talkin sports..like you and I. Look they have everything, wacky characters a casual font, a frosty mug of beer and a male model...sign me up.

Sports item #1- In Dallas Cowboys news, (my team) If former coach Bill Parcells was such a bad guy to work for and new coach Wade Phillips is such a breath of fresh air and such a great guy to work for, then why oh why are all of his coaching staff leaving to go work for Parcells? Sorry, my 13 and 3 schedule only to lose the first game in the playoffs bitter pill is still lodged in the back of my throat..tough to swallow.

Sports item #2 - Just as I predicted, Roger Federer is proving to be the loser I thought he would be.
Now granted, it took him 10 straight Grand slam finals and 19 straight wins in Australia to finally prove my point, but the important thing is that I'm right. (Note: favorite sports title regarding this story: "You got Serbed!"..my guess is that the other guy is of Serbian decent)

No football this weekend. Malls everywhere will be filled with silent desperation as husbands and fathers are being forced to interact with their families.

The Roast - Now I understand the concept of the Friar's Club Roast back in the day. A group of comics taking shots at each other behind closed doors. heck, I even remember the Dean Martin Roasts on television. But in these hyper-media, days that we live in with cell phone cameras and all that, why in the world would you risk doing them at all? Well the folks over at ESPN felt that it was worth the risk and the results as usual were mixed, and by mixed I mean hilarious.

Meet ESPN Co-Host, Dana Jacobson. Dana thought it would be a great idea to swill vodka from a bottle (see pic) and scream expletives about Notre Dame during her speech, (to be honest, who hasn't from time to time). Apparently, the head coach of Notre Dame in attendance was not amused.

that's it sports fans. Next time we'll go to the phones.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

blast from the past

hello all,

I remember watching this newscast oh so many years ago. What started as a typical "Winter is Here" type of news story, ended in local broadcast history. The two male anchors, Tracy Rowlett and the late great Chip Moody were behind their desk in the toasty warm studio while female reporter, Valerie Williams was sent out to cover the severe cold front arriving in the Texas panhandle. What occurred next was nothing short of classic.

What can not be seen with the poor image quality is that as poor Valerie spoke, the viewers could see strands of spittle dangle from her frozen mouth. What helped elevate this to classic status was that this occurred before YouTube or anything else, so once it happened, it wouldn't be seen again until many years later.
